
We Love School Groups

We had a school group from Vermont last week. Such a pleasure to see them so full of joie de vivre, many picking their apples (with a little guidance) for the first time. Their questions and their answers to my questions are always interesting, sometimes enlightening.



At the orchard this week we have added 3 new varieties to the mix:

Spartan: a sweet apple, very crunchy, not too big-unless you look hard-one of the best apples for drying.

Shamrock: a green apple with blush of dawn. Sweet and somewhat reminiscent of a MacIntosh.

Red Max: A larger apple, very red, somewhat tart, good for eating, and cooking. Easy pick!

There are still loads of MacIntosh, Cortland and Lobo, as well as some Joyce, Paula Red, Gala, St Lawrence and Summer Granny.


The squash are continuing their amazing season. The Buttercup have produced an average of 4 squash per plant.150916-004

Here is Bella guarding some of Lynn’s pottery. She would rather be swimming. Most of the pottery is inside the stand with the honey, maple products, jams and jellies, 30 or so bushels of squash and a selection of Chris’ 10 recordings.260916-009


Daniel Heath’s mushroom farm is continuing to produce Shiitake and Oyster mushrooms. Get them while they are fresh. (or dried)260916-008


For those of you who ordered John Heath’s Chinook salmon, the fish will be at the orchard Saturday morning.

Hope to see you in the next few weeks. We are thankful to have something good to offer this year. Drop by for a visit, a pick or a chat.260916-004





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